Goddess' Blackmail Application for Financial Slaves

Full Name *

Cell Phone Number *

Home Phone Number

Employer Name, Address and Phone Number *

Home Address *

All Messenger IDs and Email Addresses *

Girlfriend/Wife Name, Address and Phone Number(s)

Names of at least 4 friends or family's info here, include names, addresses, phone numbers and yahoo Ids and emails. Write a letter to your parent or partner stating your nastiest fantasy and sign your full name at the end. Comments of Any other information you would like to add just for the thrill of it. I hereby acknowledge that this information is freely and voluntarily given. I am under no coercion to give the above information and do so because I wish to serve Goddess Jennifer as Her blackmailed slave and to give Her my complete attention. *

Sign by typing your full name into the Box

Today's Date *

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